I'm a total newbie to Excel (and this forum) and, in trying to create a very basic worksheet, I'm falling at the first hurdle. It's not quite as bad as all that as I've got all steps 3-8 all working to produce the required end result but it's what I'm trying to do at steps 1 and 2 (the data entry stage) that I am unable to find a solution for - it could be that I'm trying to put a round peg in a square hole and Excel simply won't do what I'm looking for. I'm hoping someone here might be able to enlighten me one way or the other.
In rows A3 to A12 I have various different text categories e.g. drinks, food, household, frozen etc etc and then I want to be able to enter a two to four digit number in the corresponding B column. What I would then like to happen is that when I tab (or enter) out of that row/column, the value just entered is added to the corresponding C column and the B column is cleared to null again, ready for the next data entry. In essence it's akin to data entry on a calculator but with multiple rows.
So in C3 I'd essentially like to have the formula =B3+C3 but that is a circular reference and not an option (plus it doesn't solve the 'nulling' of the B column on exit).
I've waded through Excel 2010 for dummies to no avail.
Is what I am trying to do even possible or do I need to approach it from another angle?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.