I am having issues with this Attached Excel 2010 Workbook, Sheet, "Influent" C40 and the coppied statement below as well. As you can see its says I am 100% outside of parameters in this column because its counting the zero's of non entered future cells as of yet. This should say 0% while everything is empty. But because I am pulling Blank cells from another workbook that are empty as of now, it pulling zero's in every cell, about 8000 cells.
Can I just change this formula a bit to not count zeros as well as the parameters I set in C7 and C8. Or Do I have to change every single cells formula as "Tlafferty" explains at this thread? http://www.excelforum.com/excel-gene...html?p=2867816 Ps, I created a new thread as its a new question.
I apreciate everyones help in advance.
Thank you,