Dear forum,
Again me... now i have come with same situation but this time is little bit different requirement. I need to extract the list as below given situation.
My previous threads were also related to extract the individual details. But, those were based on date of registered at bank. Now i want to extract the individual details by month of loan sanctioned ("J" column), Not by the Date of registered.. Date of registered and Date of loan sanctioned differs here. . I have done the count using "Helper Column".
For example: On July 2014 - Dec 2014, Totally 52 persons were registered in the bank for applying loan. But only 14 were sanctioned loan by bank and loan were sanctioned in different months. Now I want extract the individual data based on loan were sanctioned.
Please refer the attachment. I have tried few formula, but not able to get the logic to extract by loan sanctioned date. "Array formulas are really dynamic" and i am in crawling stage now in array formula.
Please guide me.
The same post today i have shared with for solution. M
Mr. Oeldere has tried to help me as much as he can.
Thanks in advance.