Hi guys,
I'm struggling with a little case.
On sheet 1 I have a list of attributes based on a code:
24-04-2015 15-36-28.jpg
On my second sheets I have a column with type and a column for attribute.
24-04-2015 15-37-53.jpg
What i want to do sounds simple but I haven't found a solution.
If name/type is "cable" I want a dropdown list for "att" allowing only code1 values.
If name/type is "htrc" I want a dropdown list for "att" allowing only code2 values.
What I've tried is:
- defining a named range called "codes" for $A:$A on sheet1
- data validation for B2 on sheet2 and used formula: =IF($A2="cable";INDIRECT(codes="code1");INDIRECT(codes="code2"))
When I'm entering that I'm getting a message saying "The Source currently evaluates to an error. Do you want to continue?" and the dropdown is blank...
Anyone can help?
I'm also attaching the file.
I hope someone can help me...![]()