Good afternoon,
I am hoping someone can help me with a problem I have. I have changed the actual details of the issue but the fundamentals are the same.
I want to add the total cost of a particular item, in this example red balloons. Explanations of cells are as follows:
Cells B1:O1 = Item
Cells B2:O2 = Quantity of items in an order
Cells B3:O8 = Number of orders for each item and quantity
Cells B11:C16 = Rate item charged at
Cells C19:D32 = Cost per quantity of item
Excel needs to look at the rate charged for the item (Red Balloon = Higher) then sum costs per order quantity. This should be:
Red Balloon 1 20 x £20 = £400
Red Balloon 2 20 x £21 = £420
Red Balloon 3 10 x £22 = £440
Red Balloon 4 10 x £23 = £460
Red Balloon 5 20 x £24 = £480
Red Balloon 6 30 x £25 = £500
Red Balloon 7 22 x £26 = £520
Total cost cell R3 = £3,220.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you